Multnomah County Sheriff's Office

Welcome! This is an official application for an Oregon Concealed Handgun license. You must completely and accurately fill-out this application to be considered for a Concealed Handgun License.  Any falsification of the information within this application is a crime and will result in the denial of the applicant’s Concealed Handgun license request. 

A non-refundable processing fee is required. This fee will be charged even if your application is denied. This service is provided by a third-party vendor and the Sheriff's Office only collects the fees provided for in ORS 166.291.

Please read the following before proceeding:

Applicant Information:

Current CHL Information: enter your existing permit # and the issuing county

Previous Names/Aliases:

Previous Last Name Previous First Name Previous Middle Name

Driver's License / Non-Operator ID: (or other State Issued ID)

Information Related To Your Birth:

Current Military Status:

Demographic Information:


feet inches

Telephone Number: (###-###-####)


Please Create A Password: (you can use this to track progress, and we may need to contact you during the process)

Password Information: In order to comply with CJIS standards we have employed the use of a password complexity monitor. As you enter your password, we will display an indicator of complexity. You will only be able to submit passwords that are sufficiently complex as to be considered 'safe' by CJIS standards. The visual indicator will turn Blue or Green to indicate that your password is safe.

Important: CJIS requires we maintain a strict password policy and system of checks. As such, we check the following items as you enter your new password:
  • The password must be a minimum length of eight (8) characters on all systems
  • The password must not be a dictionary word
  • The password must not be the same as your email address
  • The password must not be a proper name

Current Residence Address: (this may be different than your mailing address)

Present Mailing Address: (if different from residence address)

Time At Present Address:

Previous Addresses: Please list all addresses for the last three (3) years:

Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City State Zip Country From To

Select Your Application Type:

Total Fee:


I have read the entire text and understand this application and the statements therein are correct and true. I further understand that making false statements on the application is a misdemeanor and I am subject to prosecution and automatic denial or revocation. All payments are non-refundable.

Please enter your e-Signature

For security purposes, we logged your IP Address:,,
User's Signature

Application Qualification Questions:

Are you a citizen of the United States?

If you are not a citizen, are you a legal resident alien who can document continuous residency in Multnomah County or Washington State for at least six months and have you declared in writing to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services your intention to become a citizen and can present proof of the written declaration to the Sheriff at the time of application?

I am at least 21 years of age.

Are you currently a resident of Multnomah County or the State of Washington?

If you are a resident of Multnomah please type Multnomah into the field. For residents of the State of Washington, please provide your compelling reason for wanting a Concealed Handgun License in Oregon in the space provided below.  

Are there any outstanding warrants for your arrest?

Have you ever been convicted of or found guilty of a felony?


Within the last four years, have you been convicted of or found guilty of a misdemeanor?

Have you been mentally committed by a court or have you been found mentally ill and presently subjected to an order prohibiting you from purchasing a firearm as a result of mental illness?  

Have you been under the jurisdiction of the juvenile department at any time during the last four years for committing an act, that if committed by an adult, would constitute a felony or a misdemeanor involving violence?

Have you been convicted of an offense involving a controlled substance or participated in a court-supervised drug diversion program?

Are you required to register as a sex offender in any state?


Have you received a dishonorable discharge (enlisted members) or a dismissal (commissioned officers) from the U.S. Armed Forces?

Are you subject to a citation or court order restraining you from contacting or stalking another?

Have you had to go to court to get your firearm rights restored?  If yes, please provide the in the space below the name of the court that granted the restoration.  


Do you understand that you will be photographed and fingerprinted?

Do you have any charges pending in any court resulting from any citation or arrest?

I understand that the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office has a statutory obligation to verify all information supplied on this application.  The Sheriff’s Office reserves the right to contact you and your references in order to corroborate any information supplied on this application or discovered through the background check.  Failure to provide additional information, or answer any questions, as request by phone or mail could result in the denial or revocation of your application

List all states where you have lived (since age 18):

I have read the entire text and understand this application and the statements therein are correct and true. I further understand that making false statements on the application is a misdemeanor and I am subject to prosecution and automatic denial or revocation. All payments are non-refundable.

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You Must Select An Appointment: your appointment will be confirmed prior to checkout

To Reserve An Appointment Select The Date & Time Below
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  • Your Appointment Choice Is:

None Selected

I have read the entire text and understand this application and the statements therein are correct and true. I further understand that making false statements on the application is a misdemeanor and I am subject to prosecution and automatic denial or revocation. All payments are non-refundable.

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You Must Select An Appointment: your appointment will be confirmed prior to checkout

To Reserve An Appointment Select The Date & Time Below
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  • Your Appointment Choice Is:

None Selected

You Must Select An Appointment: your appointment will be confirmed prior to checkout

To Reserve An Appointment Select The Date & Time Below
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  • Your Appointment Choice Is:

None Selected